Wednesday 17 May 2017

How Water Can Store Information - (SCI-20)


I have heard from various authors and that water has memory. Certainly water has the ability to absorb things as it comes into contact with them. The following excerpt from “The Spiritual Purpose of Water” by Alick Bartholomew explains a little about the information storage ability of water.


When water is flowing as its nature dictates, energetically in spirals and vortices, its molecules organize themselves into the structure necessary for it to carry constructive information. These microclusters of vibrating dynamic energy centers are constantly receiving and transmuting energy from every contact the water body makes.

The vortical movement creates polymer liquid crystalline chains and the laminar structure that generates dynamic energy from the interaction of their plane surfaces against each other. These structures can be observed with a suitable microscope. The more powerful the vortical action, the greater the storage capacity of information (like adding “memory” to a computer). Thus, water put through Viktor Schauberger’s implosion (powerfully vorticized) process can enhance the energy of organisms that imbibe it.

The clusters have the ability to store vibrational impressions or imprints. If these are beneficial, they may be able to restore healthy resonance in the human body. On the other hand, if they are the imprints of toxins or pollutants in the drinking water, they may be carriers of disharmony and disease.”

End (20).

Thursday 3 November 2016

God as a Bubbling Spring of Water - (ESO-19)


God has to be like a spring of water as life, which is water flows out from him. As we have life where is the source of our life. It like water must come from a spring within us. Where is and how can we find it.

Read the following excerpt from Omramm Mikhael Aivanhov to receive and insight.


“God is a bubbling spring. And in human beings – created in his image – there is also a spring, buried deeply and waiting to bubble up and flow when conditions are right. If we succeed, through thought and prayer, in connecting with the heavenly Source, we will enable the water from our own spring to flow, and all our cells will be watered, brought to life by the divine water.

If we learn to make this spring flow within us – the spring of life, which is love and light– we will become an instrument in heaven’s hands. And then we will one day be able to fulfil the programme given by Master Peter Deunov in this very beautiful, profound formula, ‘Have a heart as pure as crystal, a mind as luminous as the sun, a soul as vast as the universe and a spirit as powerful as God and at one with God.”

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

End (19).

Life as Water - (ESO-18)


Life certainly flows and so does God, His forces and help flows out to all human beings, all through the flow of our life. How can we best use that flow? One way is to first not pollute it with elements that are not harmful to it or are not against it.

Read the following excerpt from Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov to know a little bit more about how not to pollute the flow of life from God, that can be seen as flowing water.


“Life has often been compared to flowing water. But what a difference there is between water that gushes forth from a spring on a mountain peak and water which arrives at the mouth of a river, having absorbed all sorts of impurities and even toxic substances! Pure or polluted, water is always water, just as life is always life. But nothing is more life-enhancing than pure water, whereas polluted water brings death.

Just as water gushes forth from the spring, life springs forth from the bosom of God and descends to water all creatures, absorbing various elements according to the regions it flows through. So all creatures do not receive the same life from the river; it depends on where they are situated – close to the spring or to the river mouth. This life coming from God never ceases to flow. But are human beings aware of the sacred nature of life? No, they pollute the life of God, the water of God. You are astonished and wonder how that can be possible. It is very simple: each time humans fail to be wise, loving and disinterested, it is as though they were throwing waste into God’s river. And the river does not protest; it accepts everything in order to help human beings. It waits for them to become aware of their responsibilities in preserving cosmic life.”

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

End (18).

Wednesday 2 November 2016

Talk to Water - (ESO-17)


We can talk to water asking it to clean and purify us. This is because water is alive, it is animated by invisible living creatures, and it those creatures that comprise the intelligence of water and fulfil the extra of deep cleaning that we can ask for.

Read the following excerpt from Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov.


“Our everyday life is made up of numerous activities we consider mundane, but it is always possible to give these mundane activities a spiritual dimension. For example, if you wish to take a bath, why make do with a physical bath that will only get rid of a bit of dirt? It should also be a bath that washes you on all levels, a bath that purifies you. So, before you get into the water, speak to it, to the entities that live in it, and say to them, ‘Dear creatures who live in this water, I am happy to make contact with you today, because I know God has given you the power to rid my whole being of impurities. That is why I’m speaking to you, so you can work on me.’ And you touch the water, you bless it and invoke the power God has over water, the light of God and the purity of God.

When you speak to water in this way, as to a very precious element in which creatures of great purity live, you are already entering into contact with it on other planes. You will release all the psychic impurities you have accumulated, and after your bath you are ready to get back to work with renewed strength.”

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

End (17).

Monday 3 October 2016

Searching for Water Within - (ESO-16)


This very beautiful and very insightful excerpt on water shows us that we once again all have a very special link to water and that water itself if a fount of life, making it fundamentally important to us.

The strange and sad thing is that we don’t know this or even recognise this.


“Water is the fluid of the earth: it is one of the essential conditions for life, whether it be for stones, plants, animals or humans. When scientists maintain that there is no life on other planets, one of the first reasons they put forward is the absence of water.

Do human beings truly appreciate water? Yes, instinctively and unconsciously, and especially when water is lacking! But now, in order for water to become a powerful factor in their psychic life, humans must become aware of water’s value. Many of the methods and exercises I teach you are to make you discover water inwardly, by showing you how you can connect to true water, thanks to physical water. And you must seek this true water within yourselves: seek out the running springs that flow in the depths of your being. It is a long and difficult process of course, but you must persevere, for water is the mother of life. Meditate at length on this idea and while watching and touching water, say to it, ‘O you dear water who nourishes all creatures, reveal your secrets of eternal life to me’.”

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov

End (16).

Wednesday 10 February 2016

Special Nature of Water - (SCI-15)


Do you know that we have a use for water in all of its three forms. We drink water in liquid form, we put ice or water as a solid into our drinks, and we inhale gaseous water as part of the air we breathe.

There are very few substances on the surface of the Earth that can be found naturally in these three states or forms, that is as liquid, solid and gas. Water is one of these remarkable substances. This is one of water’s most unique properties.

Another very unique property of water is that, when it is a solid it floats on its liquid. This is a very rare thing, usually the solid of any substance when placed in a container of the same substance in the liquid state will sink to the bottom of the container. This is because the solid of nearly all substances is denser than the liquid, but so for water.

Obviously water has something special going on its chemical nature and this is what this and the next few posts are about.

Ice Floats on Water

The following excerpt has been taken from the book “The Water Planet”, published by the National Geographic Education Division, D.C.

“Effects of Bonding The polarity of water molecules makes water great for dissolving other substances, such as sea salts and substances that travel through your body. Polarity also means that ice will float on liquid water. As water freezes, the weak bonds between the molecules form an open arrangement of molecules, as seen in Figure 7.

The molecules, therefore, are farther apart when they are frozen than they were as liquid. This causes ice to have a lower density than liquid water, letting it float on water. In large bodies of water, floating ice prevents the water below from freezing. If lakes froze from the bottom up, they would freeze solid every winter, killing all living things inside.”


The reason why ice or solid water floats on liquid water is due to the way water molecules bond when they are a solid. They bond in such a way that the molecules spread out making the solid (ice) less denser. Notice that when you freeze water it expands, if it were to contract it would certainly not float on liquid water.

The diagram shows this quite clearly.

This marvellous polarity property of water allows life to continue in winter. If the water molecules did not have this property then lakes and rivers would freeze all solid.

The more we look at water, we really come to realise that it is just perfect to support and maintain life the way we have it right now. If we were to change water we would change life the way we now it now.

End (15).

Monday 8 February 2016

Undines – the Spirits of Water - (ESO-14)


I found this passage in the book “The Secret Teachings of All Ages” by Manly P. Hall. I think that it is very descriptive and beautiful at the same time.

It describes the ‘mer’ folk or the creatures of the water element very well.


“As the gnomes were limited in their function to the elements of the earth, so the undines (a name given to the family of water elementals) function in the invisible, spiritual essence called humid (or liquid) ether. In its vibratory rate this is close to the element water, and so the undines are able to control, to a great degree, the course and function of this fluid in Nature. Beauty seems to be the keynote of the water spirits. Wherever we find them pictured in art or sculpture, they abound in symmetry and grace. Controlling the water element--which has always been a feminine symbol--it is natural that the water spirits should most often be symbolized as female.

There are many groups of undines. Some inhabit waterfalls, where they can be seen in the spray; others are indigenous to swiftly moving rivers; some have their habitat in dripping, oozing fens or marshes; while other groups dwell in clear mountain lakes. According to the philosophers of antiquity, every fountain had its nymph; every ocean wave its oceanid. The water spirits were known under such names as oreades, nereides, limoniades, naiades, water sprites, sea maids, mermaids, and potamides. Often the water nymphs derived their names from the streams, lakes, or seas in which they dwelt.

In describing them, the ancients agreed on certain salient features. In general, nearly all the undines closely resembled human beings in appearance and size, though the ones inhabiting small streams and fountains were of correspondingly lesser proportions. It was believed that these water spirits were occasionally capable of assuming the appearance of normal human beings and actually associating with men and women. There are many legends about these spirits and their adoption by the families of fishermen, but in nearly every case the undines heard the call of the waters and returned to the realm of Neptune, the King of the Sea.

Practically nothing is known concerning the male undines. The water spirits did not establish homes in the same way that the gnomes did, but lived in coral caves under the ocean or among the reeds growing on the banks of rivers or the shores of lakes. Among the Celts there is a legend to the effect that Ireland was peopled, before the coming of its present inhabitants, by a strange race of semi-divine creatures; with the coming of the modem Celts they retired into the marshes and fens, where they remain even to this day. Diminutive undines lived under lily pads and in little houses of moss sprayed by waterfalls. The undines worked with the vital essences and liquids in plants, animals, and human beings, and were present in everything containing water. When seen, the undines generally resembled the goddesses of Greek statuary. They rose from the water draped in mist and could not exist very long apart from it.

There are many families of undines, each with its peculiar limitations, it is impossible to consider them here in detail. Their ruler, Necksa, they love and honor, and serve untiringly. Their temperament is said to be vital, and to them has been given as their throne the western corner of creation. They are rather emotional beings, friendly to human life and fond of serving mankind. They are sometimes pictured riding on dolphins or other great fish and seem to have a special love of flowers and plants, which they serve almost as devotedly and intelligently as the gnomes. Ancient poets have said that the songs of the undines were heard in the West Wind and that their lives were consecrated to the beautifying of the material earth.”

End (14).